Monday, November 13, 2017

Activity rates pertaining to computer repairs.


 Activity rate is a document that shows the services or items that a company or individual offers for business purposes.This document reveals the cost of materials, labor cost and diagnostic cost. 

Computer repairs technicians deal with a wide range of internal and external issues .Most common jobs for a computer tech would include, replacing cracked screens, upgrading components,data recovery,hardware and software issues suspected malware or virus detection etc. Therefore the cost would vary depending on the state the computer is in. The cost pertaining to the travel expense would be higher than the normal when considering the mileage of picking up and delivering the computer to the client. 
Computer technicians or companies either charge by project or hourly rate therefore before any job an estimate of the cost should be determined by the engineer. 
An example of an estimate sheet follows: 

TEL: (876)265-6769


PC- removal of virus
Replace power button
Total                                                                $11,000

Importance of an activity rate:

  •  Activity rate facilitates the comparative study of various elements of current cost with previous results and estimated costs.
  • It shows the total cost per unit of the item.
  •  It concertize a fix selling price for all items
  •  It operates as a guide for entrepreneurs to lower the cost of production.  

How to make estimates

In computer repairs accurate estimates are very important when planning projects.When making estimates the figure or the time allotted to the client should be as accurate as possible to the original amount.When calculating estimates all the figures  in the table should be calculated by adding them to arrive at a total cost for the customer.

How to measure estimates?

When making an estimate it is imperative to try and make an estimate close to the actual figure as possible.For example making an estimate on how much tacks you will need to perform a networking job in a room.First you would have to know the size of the room and the amount of wire your going to use to complete the job, and with that information you would make an estimate on the tacks.
When making an estimate about time first you should understand what is important and start listing all that needs to be done within that project.Order these activities in the order that they need to be completed.
The best way to estimate numbers is to round off whole numbers by going up especially when making an estimate on a price for a customer, the reality is when an estimate has been made that is slightly over the original price the customer will receive all that is intended and if there is leftovers in cash then it should be given back to the customer.
Quality assurance are based on standards that check whether the services that are being offered meet specific requirements.

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